Analysis of Influence Factors Decision to Purchase of Msme Products in Tomohon City

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Along with the dynamics of consumers who are always trying to find products that can answer their needs and desires, it is very important for marketers to know what factors have a positive influence on consumer purchasing decisions, especially in an increasingly competitive business environment. This also applies to MSME product marketers. This study aims to determine the influence of customer orientation factors, price factors, location factors, and ease of access factors on purchasing decisions for MSME products in Tomohon City. This research uses associative method. The research instrument uses a Likert scale with an analytical technique, namely factor analysis. The research was conducted on 75 respondents as a sample using accidental sampling technique.The results showed that there were four factors with an eigen value above 1.00 and a cumulative variance value of 69.86. This cumulative variance value means that the four factors are able to explain the considerable variability of the data (above 50%). Customer orientation factors are factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions. Customer Orientation has an eigen value of 3.33 and a variance percentage of 22.61%. The price factor is a factor that influences consumer purchasing decisions. Price has an eigen value of 3.11 with a variance percentage of 20.75%. Place factor is a factor that influences consumer purchasing decisions. Place has an eigen value of 2.76 with a variance percentage of 18.40%. The ease of access factor is a factor that influences consumer purchasing decisions. Ease of access has an eigen value of 1.28 with a variance percentage of 8.55%. Thus the consumer orientation factor,hgod, tfour, and Kease of accesseffect on purchasing decisions kconsumers of MSME products in Tomohon City.
consumer orientation, price, place, ease of access, MSME products