Human Resources Management in The Development of The Islamic Religious Education Program in The Penitentiary

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
The purpose of this study is to find out how the process of human resource management, inhibitors andbackers in the development of the islamic religious education program in the penitentiary. The study employs aqualitative method with a descriptive approach that describes objects related to research, data collection techniqueswith interviews, observation and documentation, data analysis using a triangulation to get data accuracy andcorrect interpretation. The results obtained in this study are the availability of human resources and the importanceof attention, correctional officers are expected to be competent enough to deal with the behavior of inmates whohave different cases and varying levels of emotions, as those who interact directly each day. While human resourcemanagement formations carried out by the penitentiary are still not general about the officers' ability to providetheir fellowmen and religious guidance to prisoners. Among the factors involved is that the number of prisoners,officials, or officers, is no doubt an intriguing phenomenon to consider. From the study, governments and citizensare more concerned with the need for Islamic religious education for inmates so that they can better perform better,responsible and ready to return to the midst of society with confidence.
: Human Resource Management, Islamic Religious Education, Correctional Institution