Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Produk 3I Networks Pada PT. Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya Cabang Manado

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This research is qualitative research that aims to analyze the marketing strategy of 3i Networks products at PT. Central Asia Raya Life Insurance. 3i Networks is a life insurance product that combines the concepts of Insurance, Investment, and Income. The company's growth nationally in terms of income through insurance premium payments has been very significant since the birth of the product. However, in Manado City, the development of 3i Networks didn't grow rapidly. Therefore, this study analyzes factors both internally and externally through the SWOT scheme; strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking 15 people informants from company managers to leaders and customers of 3i Networks in Manado. Collecting data using interview and observation techniques using unstructured interview guidelines. The results showed that based on the weight and rating diagram of each element of the SWOT matrix, it can be seen that PT. Central Asia Raya Life Insurance Manado Branch is currently in quadrant I, namely the marketing strategy used is an Aggressive Strategy. This can be seen from the company PT. AJ Central Asia Raya Manado Branch has the Coordinates of Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) = 2.53 and Coordinates of External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) = 3.16 so the coordinates are located at 2.58; 3.16
SWOT Analysis, Marketing Strategy, 3i Networks