Constructivism as a Way of Thinking and Paradigm

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Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
the article explores the ontological aspects of constructivist paradigms that have an innovative character in science and philosophy.As a new occupation of epistemology, the emergence of a constructive style of scientific thought, the essence of the main directions of constructivist paradigms is revealed. The role of constructs in scientific cognition has been analyzed both cognitive and evristical. There are considerations about the directions of cognitive constructivism. In accordance with the principle of cognitive constructivism, the subject is able to actively and foresee knowledge, to know the environment in advance, individuals perceive according to their beliefs, experiences, etc. Conceptual and impersonal cosntructures built by an realized person are understood in the form of a product of cognitive activity.
paradigm, construct, constructiveness, cognitive aspects, epistemology, cognition, style of thinking, style of constructivist scientific thinking