Stylistics of Inspiration in the Artistic Text

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Linguists who have conducted research on syntax, which is part of the grammar of the Uzbek language, the relationship of impulses with parts of speech, types of impulses in terms of expression and structure, the place and intonation of impulses in speech, semantic features and types of impulses, stylistic aspects and places of impulses the number is considerable. G.Abdurahmanov, M.Askarova, A.Khojiev, N.Mahmudov, A.Nurmonov, A.Sayfullaev, R.Sayfullaeva, I.Abdullaev, M.Omilkhonova, A.Abdullaev, M.Muhammadieva, I. The services of Toshaliev and H.Usmanova are significant. In this article, the stylistic aspects of motivation are highlighted using examples from some works of art.
motivation, prose, stylistics, compound motivation, diffuses motivation, parts of speech, semantics, artistic style