Folk Tales as a Text Representing the Linguistic Image of the World

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Kielce: Laboratorium Wiedzy Artur Borcuch.
The relevance of this study is determined by the need to identify the main features and features of the picture of the world presented in concepts updated in the texts of such a specific genre as a folk tale. To consider the linguistic picture of the world of the English folk tale as an environment for self-realization and a product of the speech-thinking activity of a linguistic personality of the time when the folk tale genre was productive, and fairy tale texts were in the process of formation. To trace in dynamics the history of the linguistic picture of the world, reflected and refracted in a peculiar way in a fairy tale, one of the most significant genres for mankind.
folk tales, linguistic image of the world, specific genre, speech-thinking activity, lexico-semantic structure, mental phenomenon, language as a form