Effect of Temperature, Rainfall, Cloud, and Humidity on Production of Large Cardamom in Sankhuwasabha, Nepal

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
The objective of this work was to assess the status of Large cardamom production in the past ten years and impact of meteorological parameters on production of Large cardamom in Sankhuwasabha district, Nepal. Cardamom production data of ten years are taken from statistical information on Nepalese agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture Development. Apart from this monthly data of temperature, rainfall, cloud and humidity are collected from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Khadbari station. The variables under consideration are the cardamom production as a dependent variable and the temperature, cloud, humidity and rainfall as independent variables. P-values and correlation between the dependent and independent variables are calculated using MS EXCEL. Findings of the study shows that Rainfall and Humidity made a significant contribution to the rate of cardamom production forming an upward trend. Temperature gives a downward trend and possesses negative correlation with productivity. Clouds is not significantly related with the cardamom production. The implication of this study for the improvement of cardamom production was discussed.
Large cardamom, production, Sankhuwasabha, Temperature, Humidity and Rain fall