Results of the Study and Analysis of the Application of E-466 As a Stabilizer in Various Industries and as a Plasifier in Many Industries of the National Farming Economy

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Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
The use of the innovative product E-466 as a consistency regulator in the production of desserts is 1-3g/kg, in ice-cream and jellies 2-8g/kg, and in the shell of meat, fish, confectionery, and nuts 5-20g/kg. These designations are related to the water permeability of the innovative product. E-466 can bind water from 1 part to 120-140 parts. The use of this additive is especially important in the processing of meat and fish..  
cellulose, concentration, parameter, optimal conditions, destruction, banana cellulose, extraction process, amount of main substance, cotton lint, degree of polymerization, pentosan, alkali coagulation, swelling, ash content, moisture