Communication Breakdown in the Heterogeneous Communication

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The article reveals information on communication breakdown between native speakers and EFL speakers. The author highlights the variety of blocking aspects in terms of heterogeneous communication and solving at early stages. The research paper shows how and when breakdown occurs during the communication process and its several stressing sources. Furthermore, creating the communicative competence is stated as the major quality of the non-native speakers to avoid unsuccessful interaction. Intercultural understanding is also discussed as the crucial knowledge to gain by interlocutors. The researcher reckons pragmatic training should be inserted into the curriculum as for its vitality for addressees and also addressers. The knowledge of slangs and English varieties are emphasized as salient components of the competence of EFL speakers as well. As a conclusion, the author suggests to begin cultural and pragmatic training as early as possible considering their importance equally with teaching other language skills: writing, listening, speaking and reading.
communication, communication breakdown, ungrammaticality, heterogeneous interaction, cross-cultural awareness, pragmatic competence