Stomalgia - Treatment Methods

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Univer Publishing
The work is devoted to the study of methods of treatment of stomalgia. The relevance of the work is determined by the high prevalence of this disease - up to 26% among patients with chronic pain syndromes of the face and oral cavity. The disease is more common in women and in the elderly. Various terminology and classification of the disease are given. The clinical picture and diagnostic methods are described. The differential diagnosis of stomalgia with other pain syndromes is formulated. Treatment methods are described in detail with an assessment of their effectiveness: - pharmacotherapy; - treatment with hyperbaric oxygen; - treatment using a constant magnetic field; - acupuncture and magnetoreflexotherapy; - laser therapy; - oxygen therapy; - hirudotherapy; - cryoreflexotherapy; - Treatment with transcranial electrical stimulation. Methods of complex treatment of various forms of stomalgia are proposed.
stomalgia, glossalgia, hirudotherapy, cryoreflexotherapy, laser therapy, oxygen therapy