Management of Character Education in School-Based Quality Improvement (A Case Study at the YAYASAN EBEN HAEZER MANADO School)

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Research Parks Publishing LLC
Quality education is produced by quality processes. Through the formation/development of character values that are internalized into superior individuals, superior quality graduates will be produced. The implementation model uses habitualization (habituation), personification, exemplary models of one's behavior (role models), integration of extracurricular, intra- and co-curricular activities and programs and the formation of a conducive environment (bi'ah). The supervision model uses internal control management through rules and attitude books, and externally through home visits; (3) The implications for school policies are in the form of a character-based curriculum, a set of rules for the process of habituation and targets to be achieved; a systemic-integrative character education management system; quality of graduates with excellent academic and religious characteristics awareness: having awareness of realizing quality character values: having faith and piety, loving knowledge, doing good deeds, confident, having noble character, and contributing to society, according to expectations, satisfaction, pride and community trust. The findings of this study are: a systemic-integrative character education management model, based on personification, role modeling and habitualization.
Character Education, Quality of School Education