Acid Decomposition of Bentonite Clay in Uzbekistan

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Objective. The article provides information on bentonite clay, its types and deposits. Physico-chemical parameters of bentonite clay and production of coagulant - aluminum sulfate from local aluminosilicates were investigated, as well as its use in the national economy. Research on the acquisition and development of new types of high-efficiency coagulants is under way worldwide. In this regard, the development and improvement of aluminiumsulphate technology involving low-grade raw materials in industrial production is an important challenge. Methods. The technology of producing coagulants aluminum sulfate from kaolin, bentonites and aluminium silicates is shown. Information on bentonites in Uzbekistan, Russia and abroad. Results. In the treatment of bentonite clays to increase the yield of useful ingredients we carry out the preliminary roasting of raw materials. 100,000 tons of coagulant, aluminiumsulphate, are required per year for industrial plants and water treatment plants in the Republic. However, this is not the case. Meeting the needs of the Republic for aluminiumsulphate through the introduction of technology for the production of aluminium from local raw materials will make it possible to reduce its cost by a factor of three compared with the price of coagulant imported so far. This will also make it possible to preserve the reserves of the Republic’s freely convertible currency. Conclusion. Thus, the introduction of coagulant technology from local aluminosilicates and the integrated management of the resulting waste are both cost-effective and environmentallybeneficial
bentoniteclay, types, physicochemical indicators, deposits, coagulant, aluminum sulfate, complex mineral, alkaline bentonites, montmorillonites