Ahmad Lutfiy Kazanchi and the Skill of Image Creation in his Work “Bir Vijdon Uyg’onur (A Conscience Awakens)"

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Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
This work is written by Ahmad Lutfi Kazanchi, one of the brightest representatives of Turkish literature. The work was written in a didactic spirit, and the example of a family shows that this world is a liar, that real life begins after death, and that a person should repent of his sins and worship God alone. The main characters of the work are Sururi Bey, Lady Saodat and Tumay Bey, that is, a small family. But the "big" life of this small family invites others to draw conclusions, take lessons, and choose the right path. Sururi Bey is a careless slave who worked as an administrator and spent his whole life tasting the pleasures of the false world and drowning in the ocean of wine and vodka. A chaste spouse whom God has given is a satanic person who has shown the punishment of Hell to his honesty during his lifetime.
Karim Qur'an, Imam Khatib, enlightenment, spirituality, conscience, tone of sincerity, nobility, interiority, happiness, Islamic studies