Deployment of Information Communication Technology for Universities Administration in Nigerian Public Universities: Challenges and Way Forward

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
The roles of information communication technology in the administration of universities cannot be underestimated. However, in Nigeria, there are problems hindering effective deployment of ICT for universities administration. This article discusses the challenges preventing effective deployment of ICT for universities administration in public universities in Nigeria. The article employed the use of secondary data. The secondary data were sourced from print and online publication. The article identified: inadequate funding of ICT programme, inadequate ICT facilities, poor computer literacy of administrative staff, unstable power supply, unstable internet services, poor implementation of ICT policies and high cost of maintaining ICT facilities and poor maintenance culture among Universities Staff as challenges preventing utilization of ICTs for administrative purposes in the Nigerian universities. For effective utilization of ICTs for Universities administration, the following recommendation were made: adequate funding of ICT programme, adequate ICT facilities in all offices, training and retraining programme for administrative Staff and teaching staff, implementation of all ICT policies in the universities, subsidizing the cost of ICT facilities staff and educational institutions, imbibing good culture of ICT maintenance, ensure stable power supply and ensuring stable and quality internet services.
Administration, Challenges, ICT, University System, Education