An Examination of the Effects That Marketing Methods Have on Non-Governmental Organizations

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
Over the course of the past two decades, the status and value of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), in especially in countries that offer asylum, have become increasingly significant. Some nongovernmental organisation programmes have been beneficial to society by fostering activism, awareness of multiple and diverse causes, physical activity, education of women, medical assistance, counselling for psychosocial purposes, and the provision of emergency and tangible day-to-day assistance. Networking and collaborating with specific groups or other non-profit enterprises has become an expensive endeavour. Today, more than 20,000 NGOs are active across the globe, working in a wide variety of industries and for a wide variety of causes. In addition, the actions and movements of nongovernmental organisations have expanded since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, notably since the year 2012, as the population of Syrian refugees in countries that are hosting them continues to grow. In order to continue and expand their humanitarian and social assistance work, non-governmental organisations need to focus on strategies to ensure their organisations' continued existence. In this research, we will examine the impact that marketing strategies have on non-governmental organisations in a variety of stages, demonstrate the positive consequences, and throw light on the limits associated with their implementation.
Visibility, Sustainability, Donors, Marketing, Non-Governmental Organizations