Accommodative Value of Religious Moderation Based on Local Wisdom in Chairun Nisa's Universal Film

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Research Parks Publishing LLC
Indonesia is a very diverse country in terms of ethnicity, language and religion. The diversity that exists in our country requires mutual respect and respect for the sake of realizing a society that is able to understand and accept differences in terms of culture, local wisdom and religion. Responding to the diversity that exists in Indonesia, we need to apply the value of religious moderation in social life. Students can listen to the value of accommodative religious moderation towards local culture and wisdom through film media. Film Semesta is a documentary film that explores climate change, religious moderation and local wisdom across Indonesia. This study uses qualitative research. The subject of this study is the value of religious moderation, which is accommodative towards local culture and wisdom in the film Semesta by Chairun Nissa. The object of this research was obtained from the film Semesta in the form of movie scene cuts, words, or sentences in the film which indicate the value of religious moderation. To analyze research data, researchers use analysis and interpretation based on the "onion research diagram" model which consists of four layers of values that are interrelated and influence each other. The four layers of values are symbols, heroes, rituals and values.. Based on the results of research in the Universe film, there are four layers of culture in the universe, namely symbols, heroes, rituals and values of the seven characters in the Universe film. In general, the values of accommodative religious moderation towards local culture and wisdom contained in the Semesta film are relevant to those in each of the character education values that can be integrated with Indonesian language lessons for class VIII MTs Plus Tarbiyah Tondano. The relevance of accommodative religious moderation values to local culture and wisdom in the film Semesta has points of intersection at four levels of Hofstede's onion theory, namely: Symbols, Heroes, Rituals and Values.
Accommodative, Film, Local Wisdom, Values, Universe