Using "Betasalik" Ointment for the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Allergic Skin Conditions

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Treating skin conditions such as psoriasis, lichen planus, and atopic dermatitis presents a challenge due to their wide prevalence, uncertain causes, incomplete understanding of their pathogenesis, and lack of effective treatment methods. Psoriasis, which affects 1% to 3% of the global population, is a reoccurring dermatosis caused by genetic abnormalities in intracellular substance exchange leading to the accelerated proliferation and reduced differentiation of keratinocytes, as well as immune system dysfunction. This skin condition is particularly difficult to treat due to its complex nature. Common and verrucous forms of flat red lichen have become more prevalent in the past decade and have proven to be challenging to treat. Atopic dermatitis, which frequently occurs among children and often includes severe and refractory cases, highlights the need for better treatment methods for this condition.  
betasalic, treatment, allergic dermatoses