Utilization of Technology, Information and Communication in the Implementation of Government (E-Government) Based on Village Website in Lemito District Pohuwato District

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This study aims to analyze the website-based government system (e-government) by utilizing technology, information, and communication in achieving government accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency of the village government in Lemito District. Furthermore, to look at the factors that determine the implementation of e-government in terms of human resource development, the availability of communication and technology infrastructure, law, internet access and special budgets. The type of research used in the research that will be carried out is using a qualitative approach which has natural characteristics (natural setting) as a direct data source, because a qualitative approach can reveal various kinds of facts and conditions that occur. The results of the study show that the village government has not utilized information and communication technology to facilitate services to the community so that in achieving a transparent, accountable government they have not obtained an effective and efficient government. As seen from the factors that determine public services where the village government has not fully paid attention to the development of human resources, there is no special budget for village website-based services so that it has an impact on services that still use a manual system.
E-Governmen, Public Services