Staff Training in Tertiary Education in Nigeria

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Academic Journal Incorporations
This paper discussed the problems facing staff training programme in the tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The paper employed secondary data. The data were collected from both print and online publications. The paper concluded that shortage of funds, poor accessibility of training funds abscondment of sponsored academic, corruption, Naira depreciation, lack of strategic plan for staff training and political influence and interest. Based on this problems identified, the paper recommended that federal government should link TETFund to other sources of revenue generation. TETFund should constantly organize training for TETFund Desk officers in the universities to reduce problem of poor retirement. TETFund should establish institutional relationship agreement with universities where sponsored candidates are schooling, after completion of their programme, the certificate should be handed over to TETFund head office in Nigeria and strategic training document plan should be designed submitted to TETFund office to reduce manipulation and nepotism in the selection of staff for training.
Academic staff, Non-academic staff, Staff, Training