Jet-Like Flow of Solutions of Polyacrylamide Samples in the Presence of Sulfur Particles

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A jet-like flow of solutions of nonionic polyacrylamide (PAA) and its anionic sample (HPAA) with a degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 18% in the presence of sulfur nanoparticles was studied. Molecular masses M = 3361000 for PAA and M* = 3675000 for HPAA were determined by viscometry. The rheological behavior of aqueous solutions of PAA and HPAA in the presence of nanoparticles (~ 500 nm) of sulfur in a submerged and free jet has been studied. It is shown that in the submerged jet mode at a volumetric flow rate of solutions Q ≥ 5 cm3/s, a laminar Newtonian longitudinal flow takes place, in which the orientation factor of macromolecules reaches  = 0.6 - 0.8. It was revealed that in the free-jet regime a cone-shaped Taylor jet is formed at the outlet of the capillary, which undergoes the "jet - aerosol" transformation in the region Q ≥ 8 cm3/s. Moreover, aerosol particles are sulfur micro particles flocculated with PAA and HPAA samples.
polyacrylamide, hydrolyze, flocculant, sulfur, microparticles, submerged and free jet, jet - aerosol, transformation, prolongation