Decisions in the Arbitration Procedure According to Domestic and International Laws

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The Arbitration procedure is considered an alternative for resolving disputes, which alternative can be said to be an aid to the regular courts of the country as well as the international ones. Since the parties realized that the validity of decisions taken by arbitration proceedings has the same legal force as decisions taken by the regular courts of the country, then in most cases they prefer to resolve their disputes through arbitration proceedings. So after at the end of the hearing and the investigation of the case, the arbitrator makes a decision on the disputed issue, and that that decision has the same legal force as the decisions taken in the regular local courts. The validity and equal importance of the decision taken by the arbitrator with the decision taken by the judge in the regular courts is one of the reasons for addressing this issue in the content of this paper, so it is discussed more widely as follows!
Arbitration, Arbitration procedure, Arbitration decisions