A Review Paper on the Utilization of Waste Glass and Optical Fibers as Aggregates in the Production of Concrete Bricks

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Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
The construction industry is experiencing rapid development, resulting in a growing demand for construction materials. Concrete, being the most commonly used material in construction, plays a significant role in further innovations and advancements. However, as we strive for progress, we must also address the challenges of global warming and pollution. The construction industry is widely recognized as one of the major contributors to environmental pollution. To promote sustainability in construction, it is crucial to integrate eco-friendly practices into the core of the industry. One approach is to develop concrete using waste materials as additives or substitutes, aiming to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Waste glass, for instance, is abundantly available and often underutilized in India. Since glass primarily consists of silica, it exhibits properties similar to pozzolanic materials, which can be incorporated into concrete mixes. Additionally, the inclusion of plastic optical fibers (POF) in concrete can provide the material with light transmission properties, adding aesthetic value to the eco-friendly concrete. By harnessing these waste materials and their unique properties, the construction industry can contribute to sustainability efforts while still meeting the demands of development.
Construction, industry, Concrete, Waste materials, Glass additives, Plastic optical fibers, Bricks