The Level of Welfare of the Family of Squid Fishermen Bubaa Village

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
This study aims to determine the welfare level of squid fishermen in Bubaa Village, Paguyaman Pantai District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. This research was conducted from April to June 2022 . The research method used in the form of interviews and direct observation. Determination of respondents using the census method. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively and quantitatively based on household income analysis (TRPN) and household expenditure analysis (Ct) as well as indicators of prosperous families from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The results showed that the fishing community in Bubaa Village, Paguyaman Pantai District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province was included in the high welfare category with a score of 2.64.
Fishermen, BPS, TRPN, Ct, Welfare