Effect on the Organism When Chronic Administration of a New Phytopreparation

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Univer Publishing
Medicinal plants play an important role in traditional and modern medicine. Herba Meliloti l. and Achillea filipendulind L. dry extracts did not show any specific changes related to the histostructure of vital internal organs and the effects on organs. Correspondingly, some changes were observed in the organs of rats in the control group. These changes may be related to the conditions of the food and animals in the vivarium, because these changes were noted at the same level in the vital organs of the animals of both control and experimental groups. The studied dry extract did not cause drug-related pathological changes in animals at the studied doses (100 and 500 mg/kg). Taking into account that some of the noted changes are transient, it is possible to apply the dry extract of the studied plant collection to medical practice.
Herba Meliloti l., Achillea filipendulind L., dry extract, medicinal plants, phytopreparation