Crowdfunding platforms are a method to reduce the shadow economy and improve the investment climate in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
The main obstacles to the development of crowdfunding platforms are the legalframeworks in all countries of the world, including the developed countries such as theUnited States and China, as well as European countries. There are positive aspects to thedevelopment of this industry. For example, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, orJOBS Act, was passed in the United States. The law was signed into law by PresidentBarack Obama in 2012. It aims to encourage small business financing in the U.S. byeasing securities regulations. We came to a number of findings about the benefits ofcrowdfunding platforms for owners of current projects as a result of our research.
: Crowdfunding platforms, capital, shadow economy