Planning of Higher Education in Nigeria: Challenges and Way Forward

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Higher education is Nigeria is the post-secondary school education. It is the most sensitive educational because of its roles in the social, economic and technological development. Higher education in most part of the world is well planned and managed. It is unfortunate that the Nigerian higher education faces many challenges due to poor planning. This article discusses the challenges facing planning of higher education in Nigeria. Qualitative data was used to support the various points raised in the article. This study sourced the qualitative data from print materials and online resources. The article identified: inadequate funding of planning education, inadequate data, and shortage of professional planners in higher education, poor capacity of educational planners, shortage of planning materials, political instability, political influence andpoor planning methods used for planning higher education as the challenges facing planning of higher education in Nigeria. To address these challenges, the article recommends as follows: government should increase the fund for educational planning, generate current data for planners, employ more professional planners with specialization in higher education, provide educational planners with adequate planning materials, ensure stable policies and political environment, fight all forms of institutional corruption and stop influencing educational planners.
Challenges, Higher education, objectives, Planning, Programme, policies