Application of Marketing Strategy Audit as Strategic Control

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An efficient strategic control system is estimated to be one of the guarantees for the profitability of management activities carried out in every function of the organization, including marketing. Control shows the marketing field of different levels of use, effectiveness and efficiency. The marketing audit is the most important step in the development of a marketing plan. Marketing audits have an important contribution to future business success. Depending on the results of the marketing audit, a marketing plan and strategy will be drawn up later. The ultimate goal of a marketing audit is to elaborate a strategy that fits the company's real problems. A marketing strategy audit is a very comprehensive, systematic and independent and periodic examination of the business mission, objectives and marketing as well as the marketing activities of a company or business unit by determining problem areas and opportunities to recommend an action plan to improve a company's marketing performance. This study uses a qualitative research approach Population and Sample at UD. Vierhel Michelle Garden with a sample of 9 (nine) people consisting of owners, promotions - marketing personnel, research and development department, Internal control with results that can be concluded by being associated with audits on marketing strategies, namely the company's business mission its implementation is in accordance with the company's business mission oriented the hotel market has been implemented, but the convention hall has not yet been realized. For the company's goals and objectives can be realized in accordance with the initial planning for marketing that adapts to technological advances and marketing using social media. The strategy used by the company with a focus strategy, direct marketing and marketing through social media is very effective and in accordance with the initial planning of its marketing strategy.
Marketing Strategy Audit, Strategic Control