Effects of Collaborative Learning and Discussion Method on Students’ Academic Achievement in Social Studies in Akwa Ibom State

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The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of collaborative learning and discussion method on students’ academic achievement in social studies in Akwa Ibom State. Qausi experimental of 2 X 3 factorial designs was adopted for the study. The study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State. The target population for this study was all the Junior Secondary two (JS2) Social Studies students in all the public secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State. A two-stage sampling technique was used to select 150 students from a centrally located secondary school in Akwa Ibom State. It was the use of intact classes drawn from the 3 arms of JS2 class from the selected secondary school centrally located. Each of the 3 arms of the JSS 2 class used for the study had 50 students. This gave a total of 150 participants in the study. Two research instruments were developed and used for the purpose of this study titled “SOCIAL STUDIES ACHIEVEMENT TEST QUESTIONNAIRE (SOSAT)” and “SOCIAL STUDIES SELF-CONCEPT QUESTIONNAIRE (SSCQ)”. In order to ascertain the validity of the instrument the social studies achievement test (SOSAT) and social studies self-concept questionnaire (SSCQ) were given to experts in Social Studies, Abia State University, Uturu and the researchers Supervisors to screen for face and content validity. The instruments were again re-administered on the same group of students, and the scores generated on the first and the second administration of the instruments were subjected to analysis using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) statistic the reliability coefficient or index was 0.89 for SOSAT. With these indices, the instruments were considered valid reliable, and capable of measuring the intended events with consistency. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study concluded that there is significant influence in the academic achievement of students with low and high self-concepts taught using collaborative learning. Also, there is significant difference in the academic achievement of students with low and high self-concept taught using discussion method. One of the recommendations made in the study was that students should always be encouraged by the class teachers and other stakeholders to develop high self-concept towards social studies as a subject.
Social Studies, Academic achievement, Collaborative & Discussion method of learning