Cartographic modelling of the waterways network of the basin of Wali Kafan valley in Sulaymaniyah Governorate using GIS

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The important role of GIS as an advanced means of dealing with data in various scientific fields, notably hydrological studies, has emerged as it provides accurate automated methods in analysing spatial data and linking them to descriptive data. This helps us study the morphometric characteristics of the water drainage network using a sophisticated mechanism and building a database with morphometric variables based on advanced data sources. These sources are represented by Satellite Images and Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Spatial information system programs offer scientific methods that are based on measurement, analysis and interpretation. This, in turn, helps to predict the future of basins and to provide proposals and solutions that support future development plans. Morphometric properties are quantitative geomorphological properties in their general sense. These are analytical methods dealing with earth surface phenomena based mainly on data from contour maps, aerial images, satellite images, field studies such as DEM digital altitude data. The process of analysing morphometric characteristics in creating a spatial database for Wali Kafan valley and drawing the water drainage network for the basin as a natural morphometric phenomenon has a relationship in determining the use of land through the process of water harvesting and utilization during the drought period. It is also connected with the establishment of a submersible dam in the course of the valley and how to conserve and benefit from water as well as treatment of sediment transported in the stream of the valley and its effect on the submersible dam in the valley of Wali Kafan. This is in addition to its relationship to the study of drainage levels during the period of rain storms draining during the wet season.
(morphometric measurements, hydrological measurements, slope, satellite images