Data Collection and Distribution in Nigerian Higher Institutions: Problems and Way Forward

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
Higher institutions in Nigeria are facing many challenges. One of such challenges is lack ofcreditable data to plan and to take decisions on development of the institutions. This paper is aim todiscuss the problems of data collection and distribution in the Nigerian higher institutions. Secondarydata were employed to discuss the various points raised in the paper. The secondary data were sourcedfrom both hard ware and software resources. The paper identified inadequate funding, inadequateworking materials, shortage of professional data experts, poor capacity development of data mangersand inadequate infrastructural facilities as the problems preventing effective data collection anddistribution in the Nigerian higher institutions. To address these problems, the paper recommended thatthe government should increase the funding of higher institutions, more professional data mangersshould be employed, adequate working tools should be provided, training and retraining programmeshould be constantly provided for data mangers and school administrators should provide allinfrastructural facilities needed by units and departments handling data management in the varioushigher institutions in the country.
Inadequate, Infrastructural facilities, Public, Universities