Policy Implementation of Work Achievement Measurement System (Siransija) in Regional Personnel Agency of Gorontalo Province

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The Provincial Government of Gorontalo has a big commitment to realizing governance that is free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) by implementing a work performance measurement system (SIRANSIJA). This study aims to analyze the implementation of the work performance measurement policy (SIRANSIJA) at the Gorontalo Provincial Civil Service Agency, which is studied from the implementation process and policy objectives. As well as to find out what factors influence the implementation of work performance measurement policies (SIRANSIJA) at the Gorontalo Provincial Civil Service Board which is studied from Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely providing a careful and factual description of the object of research. The results showed that, First, the implementation of the Work Performance Measurement System (SIRANSIJA) was good, although in the implementation there were also found several disciplinary violations in the form of presence discrepancies in the Siransija Application. Second, it was found that communication, resources and disposition factors were still lacking in supporting the implementation of work performance measurement policies (SIRANSIJA).
Policy Implementation, SIRANSIJA, Gorontalo