Introduction of Modern Methods of Teaching Practical Skills in the Course "Accounting"

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Active learning shifts the focus of instruction from what the teacher should teach or deliver to students, to what the students should be able to do with the course material. Interactive methods are modern ways of stimulating teaching, representing tools of learning which favor the interchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to present a series of active teaching methods for the accounting data as being an alternative in the process of improving the teaching and learning of the accounting process. Due to the easy access to education, quality of education is demanded to be more improve in term of process and manner in the accounting field. However with the introduction of information and communication technologies, innovative ways of teaching have given a new height in term of breaking the monopoly of traditional face to face teaching. The aims of this study are to identify these new ways and compare and contrast between the traditional teachings. Research finding are also suggested with experimentation performed on various methods. These findings have evident suggestions for the designing of accounting course syllabuses by professional bodies or other educational organisations in order to help students to attain and meet the demands for proficient skill growth in field of accounting.
Active learning, accounting, methods, business, model, accounting programs