Synthesis and Properties of White Oils Based on Petroleum Sulphonic Acids as Raw Materials

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White oils are made by sulphuric acid treatment of petroleum distillates. Petroleum sulphonic acids are the main byproducts from the manufacture of white oils. In the manufacture of white oil and sulphonates there are six stages. The simplest method for producing white oil is by the batch process.In this process the lube oil fraction, contained in a cone bottomed tank, is treated with oleum in a series of dumps using air for agitation. The medicinal grades of white oils are widely used for the treatment of chronic constipation. Due to the inert character of the white oil and its resistance to oxidation, the major volume of white oil is consumed in technical applications and in the process industries. The yield of white oil is very poor in the case of heavier oils. Indian specifications for industrial white oilsand Indian, British and USA pharmacopia specifications are given  following tables.
white oil, textile oils, leather oils, heavy duty motor oils, raw materials