The Importance of Commercial Banks during the Global Economic Crisis

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Research Parks Publishing LLC
We have entered the leap year 2020, which is repeated every four years and is one day longer, this time with beautiful dreams and plans.  In Uzbekistan, it has been named the Year of Science, Enlightenment and the Digital Economy.  Therefore, it has inspired us all as the beginning of a great path that will be a solid step forward in the development of science-based innovation in our country and the widespread introduction of digital technologies.  There are 33 commercial banks in the country.  Of these, 2 are state-owned banks, 3 are state-owned commercial banks, 12 are private banks, 4 are banks with foreign capital and 1 is a subsidiary bank.  These banks have more than 800 branches and more than 690 mini-banks operating in the country.
global crisis, commercial banks, economics, finance, world economy