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Research Parks Publishing LLC
Village funds are a form of the Republic of Indonesia's government program which launched the concept of Building Indonesia from Pingiran. This program is closely related to the empowerment of rural communities to improve community welfare. The budget, which has been launched in the amount of billions of rupiah for rural communities, is expected to bring changes in their daily lives. Community involvement in this program is intended so that the community is no longer the object of development but becomes the subject of development. On the other hand, village funds also have a negative effect, namely misuse of these funds by village officials. To explore the reality of this village fund, data on the use of funds has been used since its inception until now. To reveal this phenomenon, a study is needed to reveal the usage. This research was conducted in Gorontalo Regency which has 18 Districts, 191 Villages, which quantitatively has the largest number of villages in Gorontalo Province. Another thing about the selection of Gorontalo District as a research location is based on the consideration of having a coastal village and an agricultural village. The existence of these two villages is interesting to conduct research on village funds. In this study using qualitative methods with data collection stages, namely: initial observation, interviews and documents. The data analysis used was Huberman and Miles. The choice of the analysis method is based on the consideration of uncovering a phenomenon and nomena, which requires the researcher to directly associate and live with the community to be studied.Efforts made in the use of village funds are oriented towards long-term needs
Village funds, empowerment, fraud