Structural Aspects of Toponyms in the System of Unrelated Languages

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The vocabulary of the Uzbek literary language consists of different layers of words, one of its famous layers is the field of terminology. The terms of the Uzbek language have a history of more than a thousand years, were gradually formed over many centuries, have a certain system and are stable. It can be added that the connection of the language with the thought process and the world of the human spirit and spirituality is felt precisely in the field of omomastics. Therefore, onomastics is constantly developing as an independent language field, covering all aspects of society. Similarly, in the linguistics of the English language, which belongs to the Romano-Germanic languages, place names, their structure and formation types are studied as a particularly important field. The article compares and analyzes the structural features of toponyms in both languages.
onomastics, toponym, structural analysis, the systems of languages, languages, linguistics