Contemporary Development Trends of the Constitutional Foundations of Social Partnership in Uzbekistan: Contractual-Legal Mechanisms of the Dialectical Unity and Connection of the People-Loving State and Civil Society

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In the modern world, the idea of the social state, social obligation, and professional responsibility are being hotly discussed as a historical and legal category as well as an object of fundamental research. Such a scientific approach is a decisive factor in determining the social development of the society in accordance with the laws of the objective development of the state and society. On the basis of all this, the most important attribute of the constitutional institutions of the individual, society, and the state, based on social partnership, first of all, the common rights and interests of a person, which are considered the highest value, are embodied. It is of urgent importance to study the development trends of the constitutional foundations of social partnership in the new Uzbekistan, the contractual and legal mechanisms of the dialectical unity and connection of the institutions of the people-loving state, and civil society based on the demands and needs of the Third Renaissance period. Especially in the new historical stage of constitutional reforms, people from the point of view of the doctrine of society and state law, the legal essence of the socio-legal dialectical unity and relationship between the state and civil society is changing.
non-governmental, non-profit organizations, social partnership, People's State, investment partnership, innovation partnership