Management of Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria: Challenges and the Ways Forward

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The management of public secondary schools in Nigeria is faced with many problems. This paper looks at the problems preventing effective management of public secondary schools in Nigeria.  The secondary data sourced from the print materials and online sources were used to support the points raised in the paper. The paper identified: inadequate funding, inadequate professional teachers, and inadequate infrastructural facilities, shortage of instructional materials, and lack of data, corruption, insecurity, over-population and weak management as the problems preventing effective secondary school management in Nigeria. To address the problems identified, the paper recommended that: there should be adequate funding of public secondary schools, employment of professional teachers, provision of adequate infrastructural facilities, provision of instructional materials, availability and adequacy of data for planning; reduce institutional corruption to zero level, motivation of teachers, ensure adequate security in schools and appointment of competent and dedicated individuals in school management.
Challenges, Management, Public secondary school