Green Economy and Sustainable Business Department

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  • Person
    Sobirov, Bobur
    Associate Professor
  • Item
    The institutional basis of the systematization and assessment of tourism zones: The case of Uzbekistan
    (2019) Bobur Sobirov
    This paper investigates systematization and assessment of existing methodological developments in the field of assessing the tourist capacity of territories. Investigated aimed to identify the possibilities of implementing theory of the cluster initiatives on the creating free tourist zones. On this was, evidences from Uzbekistan tourism potential and ways of reaching better attractiveness points of the free tourist zones were mentioned. Finally, research has proposed and suggested to conduct further research points as the whole
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    Innovative development of tourism in Uzbekistan
    (2018) Bobur Sobirov
    This paper investigates major points of tourism sector in Uzbekistan while making emphasize on outlook development perspectives. Moreover, the way of innovative ways of development with major outcomes and shortcomings were also underlined with the systematic analyses. In addition, perspective development of the study with the positive modernization and diversification possibilities were stated in order to conduct probable future investigations in the future. Finally yet importantly, perspective of tourism in a country has been analyzed and accentuated as one of the most developing direction of economics as whole. Keywords: Innovation, Tourism, Uzbekistan tourism, perspective development, tourism infrastructure, tourism potential
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    Learning steps of humanity
    (2022-10-14) Alijon Alimov
    This study is analyzed major points of development in the way of improvement