School-Based Management Committee of Basic Schools in Fct: Implementation Problems and Way Forward

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This paper discussed the School-Based Management Committee of Basic schools in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, implementation problems and way forward. Secondary data were used to provide empirical support for the points raised in the paper. The secondary data were sourced from print materials and online resources on School-Based Management Committee of Basic schools in Nigeria. The paper identified funding problems, low parents attendance in SBMC meeting, inability of parents to provide counterpart support, extortion by supervisory bodies supervising SBMC projects, uncompleted projects, poor monitoring and evaluation, poor capacity building for SBMC members and insecurity problems as the problem hindering effective implementation of School-Based Management Committee (SBMC) of Basic schools in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. To address these problems, the paper recommended that government should release grant to the School-Based Management Committee (SBMC) as at when due to the SBMC for the implementation of the identification of projects and government should encourage School-Based Management Committee (SBMC) (parents) to contribute their counterpart funds etc.
School-Based Management Committee, Monitoring and Evaluation