The Effect of Pliometric Training Methods and Agility on the Results of 100 Meter Run on Students the Son of Sport Training Education Faculty of Sport Science Manadoo State University

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The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the effect of the plyometric training method between the alternate leg bound with obstacles and the alternate leg bound without obstacles on the results of the 100 meter run on Sports Coaching Education Students, FIK UNIMA, 2) the effect of the alternate leg bound with obstacles and alternative leg bound without obstacles for students who have a high level of agility to the results of the 100-meter run in Sports Coaching Education Students, FIK UNIMA, 3) there is an interaction between plyometric training methods and agility on the results of the 100-meter run in Sports Coaching Education Students, FIK UNIMA. The research design used a 2x2 factorial experiment. The population used is the male students of the Faculty of Sport Science Training, amounting to 120 people. A sample of 40 people was taken at random purposively. The instruments used to collect data were: (1) 100 meter running ability test, (2) agility ability test by running back and forth, (4) The exercise program is a guideline that will be used in giving treatment. The data analysis technique used was Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of = 0.05. The results of hypothesis testing are proven that: (1) There is a significant difference in the effect between the alternate leg bound exercise using obstacles and the alternate leg bound exercise without obstacles on the results of the 100 meter run where the calculated F value = 33.480 > F table = 3.96, at the level of significance = 0.05; (2) there is a significant difference between high agility and low agility on the results of the 100 meter run where the calculated F value = 33,863 > F table = 3.96, at the significance level = 0.05; (3) there is an interaction between training methods and agility on the results of the 100-meter run, the calculated F value = 25.088 < F table 3.96, at the significance level = 0.05; Research conclusions: 1) there is a significant difference in the effect of alternate leg bound using obstacles and alternate leg bound exercises without obstacles on the results of the 100 meter run. 2) there is a difference in the effect of high agility and low agility on the results of the 100 meter run in male students majoring in sports coaching education. 3) there is an interaction between plyometric training and agility on the results of the 100 meter run in male students majoring in sports coaching education.
Plyometric Exercise Method, Agility, 100 Meter Run