About Polisemanic Words (on the example of the poems of the Uzbek poetess Khalima Khudoyberdiyeva)

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
 Language is a uniquely complex system and at the same time a creative being. We know that the emergence and realization of language takes place mainly through speech. Speech is also a device with its own limitless creativity, demonstrating the possibilities of language in a way that is appropriate to the speech context. Possession of a reciprocal associative feature is not exactly the same in language and speech. Linguistic units, such as lexemes, always have paradigmatic (similarity) and syntagmatic (neighborhood) relationships that point to each other and remind each other. The polysemantic word creates a separate circle with each meaning. They are lexemed and placed in separate paradigms in the language. When approached from this point of view, any lexeme, whether it is single-semantic or multi-semantic, has many meanings in speech. The word, on the other hand, always remains the same for a particular speech process.
lingvopoetics, metonymy, metaphor, individual speech