Farmer Share Analysis of Tuna Fishermen in Gorontalo City, Indonesia

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
This research was conducted in Tanjung Kramat Village, Hulonthalangi District, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Province. This study aims to determine the value of tuna fisherman's farmer share and to determine the marketing channels of tuna in Tanjung Kramat Village. The results showed that the marketing channels for tuna fishers in Tanjung Kramat Village were 2 channels. Channel I  is Fishermen –CamarLaut Company– Consumer Countries (Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan) channel II Fishermen - collectors - exporters CV. Baris Tuna Anugerah Gorontalo – Consumer Countries (Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan). The value of farmer share in the channel I gets the value of farmer share which is adjusted to the quality criteria of fish, there is quality A getting farmer share as much as 33% while on AC quality there is farmer share as much as 41% and quality C there is farmer share as much as 36% While in channel II the value of farmer share with fishermen to collectors according to the quality of the fish. In quality A, the farmer share value obtained is 90%, AC quality is 82% and C quality is 75%, while the farmer share value for collectors is to CV. Tuna Anugerah line that is adjusted to the quality of the fish. Quality A gets a farmer share value of 30% and AC quality gets 26% and quality C gets a farmer share value of 26%.
Farmer, Share, fisherman, marketing channel