The Analysis of Community Readiness Towards Green Services: the Developments of Health Spas in Samarkand

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
This research reflects the role and importance of spa and wellness tourism in Samarkand and the community's readiness for green services. The paper aims to segment the main customers of spas in Samarkand and analyze their demands and wants. Another purpose is to find and suggest solutions to tackle some problems in this field of service and improve quality. This study discusses the needs of urban residents for spas, what kind of spas they want, and some of the mistakes that can be made in the future. Apart from that, the paper has information about the ancient baths of Samarkand and the historical development tendencies of spa and wellness tourism. The paper also includes the results of a survey conducted to determine the readiness of the population to increase the number of modern spa services. In this research paper, the results of the survey were analyzed in depth and then the necessary conclusions were given, possible problems were predicted and solutions were suggested. There is information on how to take the initial steps in widely opening spas and developing wellness tourism based in Samarkand city. The measures to develop the market of spa and wellness tourism in this city are discussed in this research.
tourism, spa, wellness tourism, Samarkand, Muslim, masseur, marketing, customer portrait, segment, target