Fishery Products and Technology in the New Normal Era

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Publishing House Education and Science s.r.o.
This research aims to determine the technical efficiency of handline fishing gear and allocative efficiency (price) of handline fishing gear as well as the economic efficiency of handline fishing gear in the new normal era in Kayubulan Village, Batudaa Pantai District, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. This research was conducted in October-November 2018. This research used the method quantitative descriptive by using data analysis DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to measure technical efficiency and CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis) to measure allocative efficiency (price) and economic efficiency analysis is the result of technical efficiency and allocative efficiency (price).Analyze technical efficiency using DEAP softwareversion 2.1. The results of the study show that technical efficiency (ET) is known that the average value of technical efficiency obtained is0.788or <1, ​​meaning that the fishing effort of handline fishermen is still not technically efficient. The average allocative efficiency/price (EH) obtained is3,881or > 1, so the fishing effort with handline fishing gear is allocatively efficient. The average economic efficiency obtained is3,091or>1, so the average fishing effort with this handline fishing gear is economically efficient.
efficiency, technical, allocative, economic, handline, DEA