Prevalence of HBV, HCV, HIV, and Thalassemia among People Attending Premarital Screening Centers in Diyala, Governorate, 2015-2018

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Background: Viral hepatitis is a serious global public health condition, affecting millions annually. Globally, more than a half billion persons are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus which is over 10 times the number infected with HIV/AIDS. Aim of the study: This study aimed to measure the prevalence of HBV, HCV and Thalassemia among people attending premarital screening centers in Diyala, determine the trends of HBV, HCV and Thalassemia in premarital screening centers in Diyala from (2015-2018) and to study of HBV, HCV and Thalassemia in Diyala will lead to revise the control methods to reduce morbidity and mortality. Materials and Methods: From the 1st of September 2018 to the end of May 2019, a cross-sectional study was conducted in primary schools in the rural Makhmur district and urban districts of Erbil Governorate. A sample for bacterial culture was obtained in every suspected case of clinical conjunctivitis by winding a thin cotton microswab moistened in brain heart infusion broth over the lower fornix of the conjunctival sac. The colonies were specified and identified after culturing on blood, chocolate, and MacConkey agars using the Gram staining technique and morphological, biochemical, and analytical profile index (API) tests. Clinically, allergic conjunctivitis was diagnosed. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire in Kurdish and Arabic was used. SPSS and the MS Excel package Results: The total number of schoolchildren who participated in this study was 1129 in the city and 1093 in the country. The prevalence of infective conjunctivitis in both urban and rural children was 127(11.2%) and 211(19.3%), respectively. Positive culture was found in both urban and rural areas, with urban having 69.3% and rural having 143.8% (p 0.01). Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly isolated pathogen, with 37 (53.6%) isolated in cities and 79 (55.2%) isolated in rural areas. Infective conjunctivitis was more common in young people and among male students (p0.05).Concerning allergic conjunctivitis, the prevalence was as follows: urban 247(21.9%), rural 81(7.4%).Allergic conjunctivitis was more common in older people and boys, but this was not statistically significant. Every student complained about itching. Conclusion: Infectious conjunctivitis among rural school children is still a major public health problem. While higher percentage of allergic conjunctivitis among urban school children was noted.
thalassemia, hepatitis, HIV, premarital screening centers, Diyala