Analysis of Service Quality Dimension on Satisfaction Rate of Visitors of Kota Tua Jakarta

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia has a cultural tourism that became one of Jakarta's tourist icons, that is the Kota Tua. In Kota Tua district, visitors can see several historical museums as well as primordial buildings built in long centuries ago. As one of the tourist destinations, the manager of the Kota Tua must be able to provide qualified service in line with the expectations of the community. The purpose of this research is to analyze the dimensions of service quality to the satisfaction of Kota Tua visitors. The theory of quality used in this paper is the service quality theory of Parasuraman. This type of descriptive-quantitative research collects the prerequisite data by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents as a sample. The data analysis is done by utilizing SERQUAL analysis. The outcomes of this study showed that the dimensions/attributes of visitor satisfaction to Kota Tua service are in quadrant I, II, and III with the most dimensions placed in quadrant II. This means that the average quality of Kota Tua service is in accordance with the expectations of visitors.
Kualitas Jasa Pelayanan, Kepuasan Pengunjung, Kota Tua,