Harmonization of Education and Social Development with Universal Values in Jadidism

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Univer Publishing
This article examines the doctrine of Jadidism, a cultural and educational movement that emerged in Central Asia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement's primary focus was on harmonizing education and social development with universal values. Led by visionary educators and thinkers, Jadidism sought to modernize traditional educational systems while promoting enlightenment, tolerance, and gender equality. Emphasizing the transformative power of education, Jadidism encouraged inclusivity, fostering an environment where diverse cultures and traditions could coexist harmoniously. By instilling civic responsibility and social consciousness in students, the movement aimed to create an enlightened and engaged citizenry. This article delves into the principles of Jadidism and explores its profound impact on education and social development, highlighting its relevance as a beacon of inspiration for contemporary educational philosophies worldwide.
Jadidism, educational movement, enlightenment, tolerance, gender equality, social development