The Implementation Of The Waste Bank Program In Larangan Village, Candi District: Implementasi Program Pengelolaan Bank Sampah Anggrek Di Desa Larangan Kecamatan Candi

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The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of the waste bank program in Larangan Village,Candi District.Theimplementation of the Anggrek Waste Bank on waste management is amajor focus of thisstudy.The method used in this study isa qualitative descriptive method using primary and secondary data.Sources of data obtained online and offline, such as journals, the web, and information from sources.The results of this study suggest that the first standard dimensions and policy objectives of orchid waste Banks programs are having a positive impact on communities.The two dimensions of human resources contribute to theprogram and to financial resources can help theeconomic community.The three dimensions of communication are structured between management,depositors and cauldrons.Fourth,thecharacteristic dimension of the organization in the orchid waste bank programisa problem in determining the lift schedule and thegranting of facilities from government agencies.Fifth,adimension to theimplementation of theprogram,and in social,economic,political environment it receives support from theexternal environment
Implementation, Waste Bank, Management