Criminal Liability of the Crime of Wiretapping on Public Wi-Fi Networks: Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Kejahatan Penyadapan Pada Public Wi-Fi Networks

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Technology is developing rapidly resulting in a borderless world as well as being a means of unlawful action that is troubling on the security side. With the internet as many as 202.6 milion people in Indonesia, making them vulnerable as targets for cybercrime users carried out in various mode, one of which is wiretapping on public wifi networks. This study was conducted to find how the process legal consequences for someone who does wiretapping on a public wifi network. This research uses a normative research method with a statutory approach. The analysis of legal materials is carried out qualitatively. The establishment of Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning ITE which is expected to able to handle criminal acts of information technology crimes that are troubling to the public and there are definite guarantees and the use of cyberspace so that in the future it can be developed to the fulest.
accountability, Tapping, public wifi